Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday ramblings

Hello from my little valley in Ohio! We live right down in the middle of two hills here, which means we don't get a cellphone signal here. But that isn't a big deal. It is so pretty here, especially in the summer and fall. I can hardly wait for warm weather, but I will be waiting for awhile longer for sure because it is supposed to be ccooooollllldd again this weekend! Are we in a weather pattern here or what? This is the same thing that happened last week! Seventy on Thursday. One degree on Sunday morning! It was 55 here yesterday (Thursday) and we are going down from here!

I received an email this weekend which is leading me to believe that there just might be a little competition to be seen with me in my profile pic. (you know who you are! *grin*) Who would have thunk it? *grin* That is my sweet niece, Bethany, in my current profile pic. I chose that pic because it is a good picture of me and of Bethany, too. And as I've said before, the good pictures of me taken over the years are few and far between. Ya hafta do what ya hafta do!

My DH and I are taking the youth to the Section 3.2 rally in New Lexington tonight. Bro. Mike Wilson will be preaching and I am so looking forward to the service. Bro. Young, the host pastor, asked if I would do the music for service and of course, I said yes. We have such awesome rallies in our circle! The Lord always ministers to me in such a special way. At Bro. Young's last year, at the youth rally, we had a young couple from our church attend with us. He received the Holy Ghost and she was renewed beautifully. I'll never forget it. All of the young people were gathered around them praying so fervently. I'll take my digital camera so I can post some pictures of the youth and the rally here tomorrow!

I washed my hair and am in the process of doing it. I have it partially up and I am letting the hotsticks do their curling as I sit here and type this. Later, I plan to go into town (kinda sounds like I'm gonna saddle up muh horse and ride on into Dodge,hm? lol) and run some errands. One of which is to get my glasses fixed. You see, I was on the living room floor doing my exercises last night while I watched the Olympics.....(the ladies ice skating!! Yes!!)......I laid my glasses ALMOST under the sofa, but not far enough, it seems, because my DH managed to step on them...*sigh*. Thankfully, just a lense popped out. I am guilty of just kind of laying my glasses around anywhere, BUT not anymore. I need them too much! I am now wearing a dorky pair I keep on hand for emergencies, just like now. Then it is off to the library and then to the grocery store and on the list goes! (you know the drill, ladies *grin*)

I'll post some more later this afternoon, but for now.......I'm headin' into town, pardner! Giddy up, Lightning!

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