Saturday, June 20, 2009

Busy day ahead!

Well, I am up and at 'em after a great youth rally at church last night! Bro. Pete Gardner preached and we had an awesome time in the Lord! Daniel played drums for me and I enjoyed having him there so much. He makes me sound so much better. (I play the keyboards.) One of the air-conditioning units quit working (these are huge outdoor units)so while it was a bit stuffy in there last night, Daniel and I were roasting. We did get a fan to help us, but Daniel got the most of it! *smile*
You see, Daniel and I don't "perspire". We sweat! By the time service started, I needed another shower, the back of my hair was wet......I wasn't pretty. *grin*
Daniel came by home later and told us that they went to McDonald's after service and the air-conditioning there was not working!! Can you imagine? He said it was horribly hot in the place. He said, "Mom, I had to ask for extra wipe the sweat off of my face!" He is his mother's son! *smile* Oh, thank the Lord for AC!!!!
I have a piano lesson to give at 10am. Then I am going to clean the bathrooms and vestibule for church tomorrow. It is then off to a wedding at New Life in Lancaster where I'm playing the wedding processional, recessional and music for the reception. AND finally, I will be coming home to finish a Fathers Day photo album/memory book I've been working on for Daniel. I hope I can get it finished for tomorrow! *whew*
The flood waters finally subsided leaving a bunch of stuff strewn all over the place that Ed and Daniel will have to clean up and Daniel and Erin's driveway needs some work and new gravel now, while their underpinning needs repaired, too. It's kind of a mess around here but it could have been so much worse.
Daniel and Erin and little Jaylon were at the rally last night. Jaylon just gets passed around like a sack of tatas!! *smile* And I can't believe all of the young guys who hold him! Now that would have been appealing to me when I was that age. (I think I can remember back that far....hmmm)
Speaking of age.....I told Ed something last night and ended it by saying that you know you are getting old when you can say that something happened or you did something that was DECADES ago! Oh my! LOL
Well, I must be off and about the day! Have a wonderful weekend and stay cool!!!

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