Saturday, November 18, 2006

Up and Ready!

Thursday morning here in the valley, we had sunshine! Well, sunshine and a few clouds and scattered raindrops. dear husband gave in to my gentle urging ;-) and put up our outside Christmas decorations. I've always done the outside decorating.......well, I've done the inside decorating, too......hmmmm.......oh, what the hey......I've always done ALL of the Christmas decorating, k?!?!?!? *smile* BUT! because of my physical limitations, I am not able to do the outside decorating all by myself because it requires some ladder-climbing. Sooooooo......I sat on the porch swing and fluffed out the wreaths and straightened the bows and made sure the wire was still intact and stable and Ed hung them up. I also straightened up the window swags and I attached them to the window sills. Then I put the garland and bows around the porch railing. Overall, this covered a period of oh, say, 2 1/2-3 hours. I've posted a picture here of our house about 2 Christmases ago. The decorations are still the same. The dusting of snow really makes it a pretty scene, hm? So, we are all ready for least, outside! We've never decorated this early but I kinda thought that since I move a bit slower than in the past, perhaps I should start earlier and get a jump on things.....though jumping is not in my current bag of tricks! *smile*

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