Wednesday, March 21, 2007

To make a long story short....

I'm still sick, though an eeeensy bit better. My sister Debbie is in the hospital. You remember her: "hyena hernia" "african for afghan" I know, I know....I'm bad. *feeble grin* Oh, Debbie is doing better, too. She may get to come home tomorrow. Her COPD flared up.....breathing was very labored, chest pains, etc. I'll keep you posted on both of us.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous today, though I didn't get to enjoy it much. In the low 70's! Yayyyy spring!!

I'll post again soon. *cough...cough*

Oh, here is a post over at Stray Thoughts that I thought you might enjoy reading. *little smile*


Anonymous said...

Yes the weather was simply gorgeous today. I would have loved to have had more free time to enjoy it as well. You know as well as I do how strange and unpredictable Ohio weather can truly be, so we must enjoy it while it lasts.

Jewel said...

Hi Aurora! Thanks so much for stopping by. Yes, it is definitely March in Ohio! Today is rainy and foggy, in the mid-50's. But I am feeling much better, so it is a good day, regardless of the weather!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear you and your sister have been sick! Hope you're both feeling better asap.

And thanks for the link. :)

Stace said...

I never realised these illnesses could be passed through internet connections... I've had a cold since Friday, and I'm sure I caught it from reading your blog!!! hehe :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon..... keep us posted

Anonymous said...

Sis. Jewel, am I still gonna get to come visit?