I remember many years ago, talking with my youth pastor, Bro. Kramer. I don't remember the actual gist of our conversation, but he ended up telling me that even though we're christians, that doesn't mean everyone is going to like us. And when we come across someone who doesn't like us, we can't take it personally. It is a choice THEY have made. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with us. Gosh, but that bit wisdom has helped me many times through the years, because I tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses, think the best of everyone and just think everyone should like me. I mean, what's not to like? *grin*
Anywayyyyyy......this past week, I just happened to run across two people in particular who have never been especially fond of me. How do I know, you ask? Well, first of all, they act like it kills them to even say "hello" to me. You know, the just common, most simple acts of common courtesy. And, I do feel that I am a very approachable person. Oh, and we've never had any trouble between us, as we've never had anymore of a relationship than just saying "hello". But I can just tell that they don't particularly like me. So, the one lady is retired and working as a cashier at a local convenience store. I had gone there to buy some produce and meat for our supper, not even knowing that she worked there now. There were actually several of us there at the same time that had worked at or were still working at Smead, a local manufacturing plant. You know....they had just gotten off of work and were picking up some things for supper and so on, like me. Well, THIS lady retired from there. Anywayyyyy, so she is just talking up a storm to one of the other ladies that I had also been talking and laughing with, but then when it came time to check me out, she got this really sober expression on her face, though she did say hello and ask me if I was still at the library. BUT why couldn't she SMILE and be jovial with me. WHY did she have to act like it PAINED her to talk to me and be courteous? Well, I don't know the answer to that and don't need to know the answer. It's her problem. I smiled, endeavored to be friendly and so. Tis all a body can do.
Next, I am going to a local motel (Baymont Inn and Suites) three times a week, where I go swimming and do exercises and so on for my lower body. Dr. Gedeon recommended this as a great help, exercise and yet easy on my body. Soooooo, I see another lady there, who, over the years, has acted as though it pains her greatly to be courteous to me. BUT, I said hello to her anyway and she just kind of looked at me and said nothing. What? Huh? Go figure.
I am really past this bothering me, yet I just don't understand people who are like this. Maybe just because I am such an out-going person, that makes me much more sensitive to insensitive people like the above-mentioned,hm?
On to other things:
Daniel got his first paycheck this past Friday! It was a nice one, let me tell ya! His first REAL job and REAL paycheck. I am so happy for him and Erin! They are so blessed and fortunate! He also now has full health benefits for himself and Erin and one week of vacay!
Bethany, my niece, who was pictured with me in my previous profile pic (how do you like the new one?) is due to have her little baby July 24, so it could happen any day now!!
I went to see Dr. Gedeon Friday morning for the first time in about three weeks. I then went swimming and exercising. Now I am taking the swimming and water exercising slowly, so as not to aggravate my back, hips and legs too much. Well, the pain level has really spiked the past two days and night and my ability to walk and get around has really been hindered. I've not slept much the past two nights and have spent most of them either sitting up or in the recliner. I was not able to make it to church this morning, but will this evening. I'm not sure what is going on but I hope this, too, passes in time. I've not had this much pain and difficulty getting around for a loooong time. It has been a bit concerned actually. I'll keep you posted! Not to worry, though, for the Lord knows the path I take and "I am trusting in Christ alone"! *smile*
If you'd like to read a really cute and funny post, click on over here to
Aidan's blog and have a read!
Oh, and I finished the Beverly Lewis' series "Abram's Daughers". Wow....it was a great read! I can't wait till I can get to the library to get another series. I'm hooked!