Going back to Tuesday......what a busy day it was!!! I always get up early. I am just an early-riser, by nature. So, by 6:30am, I was having my first hot, steaming cup of coffee and a cookie. I knew that I had to be up and at 'em because we had a health insurance seminar to atttend at 10:00am, once Ed returned home from transporting his students. After attending the seminar, we went to Walmart to pick up a few things, then it was back home. We had a lunch of chili and grilled cheese and then I needed to get some things ready for the ladies' meeting that night. Oh, and this being Tuesday, it had been four weeks since I had had my second (right) hip-replacement surgery. After being up early and going in town and all, I was pretty tired and feeling it BUT I pushed myself to get some things done before I laid down.....lunch, two games for the ladies' meeting, and I made a batch of seven-layer cookies. Finally, I laid down at 3:30 and died.....I'm serious. I barely remembered laying down and I didn't wake up until 5:00! I still had to make Teriyaki Stir-fry. So, I hopped up.....well, not actually hopped....you know what I mean. I got up and commenced to cooking. Finally, at about six o'clock, Ed helped me carry everything out to the car. Actually, HE carried everything out to the car. Oh, and I also took some Christmas decorations to decorate my portion of the tables. We do this every year, so the decorating doesnt' fall to one person to do. And we get to see some of eachother's decorations. Anywayyyyy......oh, and this was the first time I was attempting to drive anywhere by myself but I was pretty sure I could do it. Ed was fussing and fretting over me and telling me I should just stay home because it was cold and raining and the ladies would understand, but I told him I was sure I would be fine.
Sooooo.....I am fine driving and it actually feels kind of good to be out by myself for a little while. When I arrive at the church, a couple of the ladies come out just as I am pulling into the drive-through and they carry ALL of my things in for me so all I have to do is get myself into the fellowship hall which I managed to do without incident. But I do have to be honest and say that by the time I got inside, got all of my things situated...food, decorations, games......I was bone-tired, wishing I was home and in bed. *sighhhh* But I whispered a prayer and pressed on. We did have a beautiful time of fellowship, food, games, gifts, and memories but when we were finished, I very quietly gathered my things and kind of sneaked out and headed home.
Ed was waiting for me and helped me into the house along with the things I brought home. I headed straight for our bedroom and started getting ready for bed. I don't think there was a part of my body that did not hurt. I took a couple of pain pills and crawled in between the flannel sheets, Ed turned the ceiling fan on medium, told me goodnight and kissed me, tucked me in, that's the last thing I rememeber.
The next day......I just didn't feel well all day. I did get up and get dressed and did my hair, made myself presentable. But I laid down alot on Wednesday and rested.
Okay....I just tried to do tooo much on Tuesday. Entirely too much. I don't even know what I was thinking! So now we have our family get-together on Saturday and I have already made my mind up that I am taking it slow and easy. I've already got the nieces and nephews doing most of the work, so I just have to fix a ham and green beans and show up. Isn't delegating a wonderful feeling? *smile*
I don't know if I will ever be able to do all that I used to. I will just have to take it a day at a time, a week at a time, and so on.
I will tell you one thing: I so love my husband. He is my best friend in the whole world and he makes me laugh and he cares for me and takes care of me. What would I do without him?
One last thing: I bought a custom-made wooden cane many months ago before I got my walker, thinking it would help me in walking. At the time, it wasn't much of a help. I needed the stability of a walker. Well, I got this cane out today and tried it out. I can walk so evenly and well with it! Now, I don't feel quite as secure with it as I do with my walker, so I will just be using it here at home for short periods of time until I feel stronger and more secure with it. But I can walk at a more steady pace and more evenly with it than I can with the walker. I am sooooo happy about this new develpment! I'll keep you posted!