Thursday, April 19, 2007


I wanted to share with you bookmarkers that I make from old greeting cards. I got this idea after I received a similar bookmarker at a ladies' Advent tea I had attended several years ago. I enjoy makingthem so much. I've made them twice and given them as favors at our ladies' meetings. It seems I have most often made them from Christmas cards but, as you will see in the pictures, you can make them any time of the year. I especially like the one with the shaggy dog and little duck. If you would like instructions for making them, just let me know. I'll try to make step-by-step instructions, though if you are fairly crafty in the first place, you can probably figure out, on your own, how to make them by just looking at the images below!


Anonymous said...

very cool, i am ashamed to admit it but i am a folder... IE i fold the corner of the book to mark the page... I know i shouuldnt but book marks always fall out, then i takes ages to find the page....


Jewel said...

Aidan, Aidan, Aidan.....being a former librarian, I must tell you that that is a no-no. Well, if they are your own personal books, I suppose we can let it slide, but if they are library books...well, that is another story. *grin* You sound like my husband. Many is the night that we lay in bed reading before we go to sleep and then he can't find his book mark and we are searching all through the covers and blankets for it. *sigh* Makes for good memories, though, hm? *grin*