Monday, July 05, 2010

Finally, a day of rest!

Well, after a busy holiday weekend, today looks to be a true day off. :-) Even if it is Monday. Jaylon and I were struggling with sickness most of the week last week and I just wasn't up to posting though I did read blogs and comment some. And then by the time I finished doing that, I just didn't have the time or feel like composing a decent post of my own. BUT I am all better now! :-)

I am finally over the bout of bronchitis which hit last Monday. I lost my voice for a couple of days. Then little Jaylon started running a fever Wednesday morning. He was a pretty sick little guy for a couple of days. His temperature would spike, come down with Motrin, then spike again after a few hours. Bless his heart.....I just held him and kept a cool cloth at hand to wipe him with. But in between times, when the medicine took his fever down, he was almost normal, running around and playing. Then the medicine would wear off and his temp would shoot up again, at one time to 104!

Erin took him to Urgent Care Thursday evening and they said he didn't have ear infection, strep, or any other malady that they could see, so they said it was probably viral, keep him hydrated and administer Motrin/Tylenol as needed.

Come Friday, the little guy was fine! the kids had been planning to go away for the weekend to visits friends in northern Ohio who have a little daughter who is Jaylon's age.

Oh yes, here's a picture of them that Erin sent with her IPhone4 Friday! :-)

Ed and I mowed the grass Friday morning! That is the first time I have mowed grass in years!!! I was unable to because of physical and health problems. I actually like to mow grass sometimes. I find it kind of relaxing and a good time to just be alone with my thoughts.

We have matching riding mowers! Below is a picture of "you-know-who" on grandpa's mower! :-) He looooves to ride on the mower with grandpa!
And here is a picture of the house after Ed got all of the trimming done! All spiffed up for the holiday weekend!
That is one thing I love about the summer holiday weekends. Everyone has their houses and lawns all fixed up and dressed up for the holidays!! :-)
A week ago yesterday (Sunday), we had the annual Peters' Family Reunion at my niece April's house. She and her husband, Kevin, so graciously opened their home so we could all gather there and have plenty of room inside and out.
I believe everyone had a great time and we did have LOTS of delicious food! Oh yum!
They have a pool and the kids had a great time in it, as you can imagine. :-) And they also have a, I didn't get on the trampoline. :-) They set up a volleyball net and most everyone had a turn at that. I watched from the deck and enjoyed seeing everyone having such a great time!
Erin got some great pictures of Daniel and little Jaylon enjoying the water! I was in there, too, but you won't be seeing any pictures of me here! :-)

I hope you had a great holiday weekend with your friends and loved ones! I am so thankful for our wonderful country and the men and women who have fought for and continue to defend our freedoms. There is scarcely a day that passes that I do not think of them and pray for them.
God Bless America and our men and women who serve in the Armed Forces around the world.


Mary said...

So glad you're feeling better! Poor little Jaylon...glad he's better, too!
Thanks for sharing the pictures...he sure is a cutie patooty!

Teresa Dawn said...

Glad you are better now :) It's tough being sick!

Barbara H. said...

Glad you and Jaylon are feeling better!

It was nice to have the Fourth festivities spread out over the weekend, but I was wiped out today!

Jewel said...

Hi Mary! Yeah, we think he's pretty cut, too! :-)
Thanks, Teresa! it's especially tough when you have a little one to take care of, too. BUT I survived and we're both all better!
Hey, Barbara....would you believe I managed to get a good nap each and every day of the weekend, starting with Friday? :-) Oh, but I do love me some naptime and I know that is something that you and I do have in common, hm? :-)