Hello everyone! Ernesto has arrived! Well, the part of him that is affecting us?? *smile* I don't mind though because we need the rain and it makes the house feel so cozy and it is so much cooler!
I had election training last night. Most of it was going over things that we already knew, but it was so good to see so many friends that I hadn't seen for awhile. I do sometimes think I don't get out around people enough now that I am not working. I always feel so pumped after being out and about and around people. Anyway, a special election is being held Thursday, Sept. 14 to elect the Republican candidate for the18th district. Bob Ney had decided not to run because of some trouble he had "run into" but he had 90 days to change his mind and he did. So now there are 5 contenders for this seat and this is the only thing that will be voted on that day. It should prove to be a verrrryyyyyy slow day at the polls. But on the upside, our precinct will be voting at a different place....Lee's Banquet Haus.......and there will be four other precincts voting there also. Soooo, there will be more food to choose from and eat.......we all carry in for the day........whoohoo!!.....and new people to meet and talk with and visit with for the day......the looooonnnnnng day, from 5:30am until 8:00pm. I will be taking copious amounts of reading material, crossword, wordsearch, etc. *grin*
Ed and I are going away for the weekend, as this is the last long weekend of the summer. We are not sure where we are going, but I'll let you know where we went when we get home,k??? *grin* It was so funny this past week because Daniel wanted to know if we were going to do something together and I told him that his dad and I were going away for the weekend and he said, "But, mom, I took Monday off so we could all do something together." Well, that kind of puzzled me, because we hadn't even discussed doing anything together. He has to work Saturday, but I thought we COULD wait until later Saturday to leave. But then I remember VBS, which we have been having on Sunday mornings all summer and this Sunday is the last session which reminded me that Daniel has a major part in VBS which I reminded him of. He immediately said that he wouldn't be able to go away then. He is very dedicated to his SS class and commmittments at church. Sooooo, it is back to being me and Ed again, going away for the weekend. Now, on the one hand, I am loving this.....just me and Ed....but then the "mom" part of me has this longing to take "the boy" (as I lovingly refer to him sometimes) and his sweet wife with us, BUT I do feel that I have to loosen up the apron strings a little more......okay, alot more.....and it will be good for Ed and I to go away together....alone. You know, we just haven't done this much in the past 19-20 years. Even since they have been married, Daniel and Erin have usually gone with us, except for the day we spent with Bob and Betty in Amish country awhile back. But Daniel had mentioned that it sure would have been nice to go with us and see Bob and Betty and Sis. Whitt. *smile* We have some idea of what we might do with our three-day vacation, but I'll wait until we return to let you know what we did, kkkk???
Well, I have a lady coming to have her hair done, so I will close this out, but I will probably post again a little later! Hope you are having a great Friday!! The Bucks play tomorrow!!
A sharing of the goings-on in my life while living in our little valley which is located in the beautiful Hocking Hills of Southeastern Ohio!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Musical Diversity
I was reading an article on EC the other day about "overused" choruses and songs. I do know that I have been quilty of playing and singing some choruses a bit too much, but when we learn a knew song, I just HAVE to sing it alot. *smile* Usually it is a chorus that we might open service with, like "Give Him the Highest Praise". I looooove that song! We are not singing it as often but I will sing it when I feel the Lord impressing me to do so. That is the whole point to our ministering in music anyway: being sensitive and willing to sing the song or chorus that will most enhance the moving and presence of the spirit of the Lord.
I said all of that to say this: I love all styles of music and I've learned through experience that you cannot say that you are not going to sing a song again ever because as soon as you do, the spirit of the Lord will move in such a way, that that just might be the very song or chorus that fits.
In a particular revival that we had last year, I sang a host of older songs and choruses. It was only the Lord helping me that enabled me to remember all of the words and chords! I can't remember the songs now, but I do remember the evangelist and his wife coming up to me later and saying they hadn't heard those songs for years and they really enjoyed singing them and hearing them again. It was just how I felt the Lord directing the music to go for that particular service.
You see, I believe that we develop relationships with some songs and they also evoke such precious memories. How can some people be so adamant about not singing a song because it is "old"? Or moan or groan: Not thaaaat song again? Let me give a bunch of credit to the singers and musicians at our church. They never complain. They just sing and worship and do such a wonderful job of both.
It was during the first month after I surrendered my life to the Lord and was filled with the Holy Ghost that the Lord ministered to me so powerfully through music for the first time. I was struggling with letting go of some old friends and an old boyfriend. Oh, I knew that I needed to let go of them, but I had not yet made any new friends in the church. It was a difficult time. I was going to church with my brother and his wife. They were the only real fellowship that I had. That night, back in 1975, a ladies trio sang, "Whatever It Takes" by Lanny Wolfe. When they started singing the second verse, I just broke before the Lord. "Take the dearest things to me, if that's how it must be, to draw me closer to thee....." And after that the first verse ministered to me so powerfully, too: "There's a voice calling me, from an old rugged tree, and it whispers "Draw closer to me", Leave this world far behind, There are new heights to climb, and a new place in me you will find." I don't think I can adequately express how that song changed my life, but from that day forward, I never looked back at those old friends and boyfriend. It was a landmark experience for me.
At church one Sunday morning, the Lord was moving in our midst in such an awesomely sweet way and I felt impressed to sing the Old Rugged Cross. I was a bit nervous, a little skeptical, questioning the Lord. It didn't seem to quite fit. Surely there was a "better" song or perhaps a "more modern" song. I don't know.....but I began to play and sing it softly. You could hear a pin drop. Soon, a young man who had been coming to church for a few weeks practically ran to the altar crying. Then another person......and another. What if I had not been willing to do The Old Rugged Cross? I don't know......I'm glad that I don't.......because lives were changed that morning.
Consider what a diverse congregation each church has. Our music must be just as diverse. I've experienced the blessing of having the "right" song just open up the heavens during our worship and I've also seen a service hindered by the lack of having the "right" song at the "right" time. I am not so sure that we should be so dependent on the music to set the stage and all. Don't get me wrong.....I love the ministry of music but could it be that we have let it become a crutch? Can we worship without it? Being a musician and singer, I almost always end my times of prayer with playing and singing, whether I am here at home or at church. But I am not dependent on the music to worship, but sometimes in our churches I think we have become perhaps a bit too dependent on it.
At IBC Musicfest 2 years ago, I attended a class taught by Bro. French on our musical heritage. He spoke of how we must not do way with our hymns. They are our musical history, so to speak. I agree wholeheartedly. Many times, I find myself praying the hymns. Example: "Oh, how I love you, how I adore you, my breath, my sunshine, my all in all...." This is the chorus from "Down From His Glory" sung in the first person. Or Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus. I could name so many. Daniel, our son, used to lay in bed at night with a hymnal, leafing through it, singing the hymns. I remember one night in particular that I went to sleep hearing him singing "Oh, I Want to See Him". It doesn't get much better than that! *smile* There again, there have been times when I've slowed it down a little and sung the chorus in the first person: "Oh, I want to see you, Look upon your face, there to sing forever of your saving grace, On the streets of glory, Let me lift my voice, Cares all past, Home at last, Ever to rejoice!"
During this past year, I've gone through some big changes in my life, suffering with physical problems, having to quit my job, having to curtail my involvement in things at church. At one point, I was going to the doctor 3 times a week for treatments. I was in pain alot of these times. I had about a 30-minute drive to the doctor, so on the way I would put in my IBC Hold On CD and play "Hold On" and just cry out to God and lean upon Him and endeavor to trust Him. And then I would play it again and again, crying and praying all the way to the doctor. Then on the way home, it would be "Hallelujah, Anyhow" and, oh, did me and Jesus have a time in that car! *tears* Those songs and my dear saviour got me through some terribly difficult and painful times. How thankful I am that I had those songs at that time to minister to me, when I needed them most.
I have a "cassette tape"...egads....that I purchased from PPH many years ago. I don't even know who the artists are now because I haven't played it for so long. But when I first got the tape, I didn't really care for it. OKay, okay, I purchased it because it was on sale! Three "cassettes" tapes for $15.00, I believe it was. Well, I didn't really like the way they sang. It wasn't a very professional sounding recording and, in all honesty, they weren't the best singers, but they were annointed. Let me tell you.........I ended up learning most of the songs on that tape and I have used them many, many times through the years and a couple of them are favorites of several people in our church, the pastor being one of them....*smile* Of course, I tweaked them a little......you KNOW that no two apostolic people play or sing the same song the same way! *smile*
Sooooooooo........as a young person might say, "S'all good!" *smile* And it is. Choruses/Hymns. Contemporary/Classic. Southern Gospel/Black Gospel. Mass Choirs/Quartets. Soloists/Ensembles. Old/New.
Thank the Lord for the precious ministry of music.
My current favorite chorus is "It's So Easy to Love You" from Israel Houghton and New Breed's Live from Another Level. So simple, yet so true and beautiful....
I said all of that to say this: I love all styles of music and I've learned through experience that you cannot say that you are not going to sing a song again ever because as soon as you do, the spirit of the Lord will move in such a way, that that just might be the very song or chorus that fits.
In a particular revival that we had last year, I sang a host of older songs and choruses. It was only the Lord helping me that enabled me to remember all of the words and chords! I can't remember the songs now, but I do remember the evangelist and his wife coming up to me later and saying they hadn't heard those songs for years and they really enjoyed singing them and hearing them again. It was just how I felt the Lord directing the music to go for that particular service.
You see, I believe that we develop relationships with some songs and they also evoke such precious memories. How can some people be so adamant about not singing a song because it is "old"? Or moan or groan: Not thaaaat song again? Let me give a bunch of credit to the singers and musicians at our church. They never complain. They just sing and worship and do such a wonderful job of both.
It was during the first month after I surrendered my life to the Lord and was filled with the Holy Ghost that the Lord ministered to me so powerfully through music for the first time. I was struggling with letting go of some old friends and an old boyfriend. Oh, I knew that I needed to let go of them, but I had not yet made any new friends in the church. It was a difficult time. I was going to church with my brother and his wife. They were the only real fellowship that I had. That night, back in 1975, a ladies trio sang, "Whatever It Takes" by Lanny Wolfe. When they started singing the second verse, I just broke before the Lord. "Take the dearest things to me, if that's how it must be, to draw me closer to thee....." And after that the first verse ministered to me so powerfully, too: "There's a voice calling me, from an old rugged tree, and it whispers "Draw closer to me", Leave this world far behind, There are new heights to climb, and a new place in me you will find." I don't think I can adequately express how that song changed my life, but from that day forward, I never looked back at those old friends and boyfriend. It was a landmark experience for me.
At church one Sunday morning, the Lord was moving in our midst in such an awesomely sweet way and I felt impressed to sing the Old Rugged Cross. I was a bit nervous, a little skeptical, questioning the Lord. It didn't seem to quite fit. Surely there was a "better" song or perhaps a "more modern" song. I don't know.....but I began to play and sing it softly. You could hear a pin drop. Soon, a young man who had been coming to church for a few weeks practically ran to the altar crying. Then another person......and another. What if I had not been willing to do The Old Rugged Cross? I don't know......I'm glad that I don't.......because lives were changed that morning.
Consider what a diverse congregation each church has. Our music must be just as diverse. I've experienced the blessing of having the "right" song just open up the heavens during our worship and I've also seen a service hindered by the lack of having the "right" song at the "right" time. I am not so sure that we should be so dependent on the music to set the stage and all. Don't get me wrong.....I love the ministry of music but could it be that we have let it become a crutch? Can we worship without it? Being a musician and singer, I almost always end my times of prayer with playing and singing, whether I am here at home or at church. But I am not dependent on the music to worship, but sometimes in our churches I think we have become perhaps a bit too dependent on it.
At IBC Musicfest 2 years ago, I attended a class taught by Bro. French on our musical heritage. He spoke of how we must not do way with our hymns. They are our musical history, so to speak. I agree wholeheartedly. Many times, I find myself praying the hymns. Example: "Oh, how I love you, how I adore you, my breath, my sunshine, my all in all...." This is the chorus from "Down From His Glory" sung in the first person. Or Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus. I could name so many. Daniel, our son, used to lay in bed at night with a hymnal, leafing through it, singing the hymns. I remember one night in particular that I went to sleep hearing him singing "Oh, I Want to See Him". It doesn't get much better than that! *smile* There again, there have been times when I've slowed it down a little and sung the chorus in the first person: "Oh, I want to see you, Look upon your face, there to sing forever of your saving grace, On the streets of glory, Let me lift my voice, Cares all past, Home at last, Ever to rejoice!"
During this past year, I've gone through some big changes in my life, suffering with physical problems, having to quit my job, having to curtail my involvement in things at church. At one point, I was going to the doctor 3 times a week for treatments. I was in pain alot of these times. I had about a 30-minute drive to the doctor, so on the way I would put in my IBC Hold On CD and play "Hold On" and just cry out to God and lean upon Him and endeavor to trust Him. And then I would play it again and again, crying and praying all the way to the doctor. Then on the way home, it would be "Hallelujah, Anyhow" and, oh, did me and Jesus have a time in that car! *tears* Those songs and my dear saviour got me through some terribly difficult and painful times. How thankful I am that I had those songs at that time to minister to me, when I needed them most.
I have a "cassette tape"...egads....that I purchased from PPH many years ago. I don't even know who the artists are now because I haven't played it for so long. But when I first got the tape, I didn't really care for it. OKay, okay, I purchased it because it was on sale! Three "cassettes" tapes for $15.00, I believe it was. Well, I didn't really like the way they sang. It wasn't a very professional sounding recording and, in all honesty, they weren't the best singers, but they were annointed. Let me tell you.........I ended up learning most of the songs on that tape and I have used them many, many times through the years and a couple of them are favorites of several people in our church, the pastor being one of them....*smile* Of course, I tweaked them a little......you KNOW that no two apostolic people play or sing the same song the same way! *smile*
Sooooooooo........as a young person might say, "S'all good!" *smile* And it is. Choruses/Hymns. Contemporary/Classic. Southern Gospel/Black Gospel. Mass Choirs/Quartets. Soloists/Ensembles. Old/New.
Thank the Lord for the precious ministry of music.
My current favorite chorus is "It's So Easy to Love You" from Israel Houghton and New Breed's Live from Another Level. So simple, yet so true and beautiful....
Bits and Pieces
Good Monday Evening, Everyone! Did it ever rain here today! It was a real toad-strangler! (in the words of my dear husband *smile*) But we definitely need the rain, so I'll not complain.
I called Direct TV because we were wanting to add Fox to our package. We have done this in the past when we wanted to watch the World Series. There is a particular show on Fox that we were wanting to watch. Before they just added Fox and $1.50 to our monthly bill. We just have the basic package. BUTTTTTT......the girl that was helping me this time told me that they would have to get a 45 day-waiver so we could get the national feed for Fox. Welllll....I told this to Ed and he said, "Did you tell her your arm sure would get tired." And I said, "What?????? And he said, "Well, you just tell her there is no way they are going to get a 45-day waver to stand out there." I looked at him quizzically and then it finally clicked! Oh my word.....I started laughing so hard, I had to hang up the phone. He was talking about a 45-day WAVER. (i hate stupid people.....here's yer sign) I'm still chuckling over it.
This morning, when he got home from taking his students to school, Ed came into the kitchen, looked out the window and said, "It's blacker than a banker's heart out there!" LOL I don't know where he comes up with this stuff!
I got two really good recipes from Weight Watchers last week. One is for Taco Soup and the other is for Fruit Fluff.
Taco Soup:
1lb. of lean ground beef or turkey
1 medium onion/chopped
2 envelopes of taco seasoning mix
1 envelope of ranch dressing mix
1 can of navy beans
1 can of black beans
1 can of kidney beans
2 cans of diced or stewed tomatoes
1 can of mexicorn
Brown the meat and onions;add seasoning;then add the beans, tomatoes and mexicorn. Add water if needed. Some people drain the beans and add 3 cans of water. I think this is to keep the sodium content down. I didn't drain any of the beans or vegetables and still added some water.
I thought it would be like killer soup because of all the seasoning but it was delicious. But Ed is not allowed to eat it any more because when I got home later that day.....well, I am pretty sure you know why he is not allowed to have it again. ;-) Oh, but it is so hearty and delicious!
Fruit Fluff:
1 container of fatfree Cool Whip
1 small pkg. of sugar free vanilla instant pudding
1 container of sugar free peach yogurt
1 can of mandarin oranges, drained
1 can of crushed pineapple, drained
Mix the first three ingredients together thoroughly; then add the drained fruit and mix. Chill and serve. I also sprinkled an envelope of sugar free peach jello into this. It is delish and refreshing!! (Ed IS allowed to have this!! :-)
I called Direct TV because we were wanting to add Fox to our package. We have done this in the past when we wanted to watch the World Series. There is a particular show on Fox that we were wanting to watch. Before they just added Fox and $1.50 to our monthly bill. We just have the basic package. BUTTTTTT......the girl that was helping me this time told me that they would have to get a 45 day-waiver so we could get the national feed for Fox. Welllll....I told this to Ed and he said, "Did you tell her your arm sure would get tired." And I said, "What?????? And he said, "Well, you just tell her there is no way they are going to get a 45-day waver to stand out there." I looked at him quizzically and then it finally clicked! Oh my word.....I started laughing so hard, I had to hang up the phone. He was talking about a 45-day WAVER. (i hate stupid people.....here's yer sign) I'm still chuckling over it.
This morning, when he got home from taking his students to school, Ed came into the kitchen, looked out the window and said, "It's blacker than a banker's heart out there!" LOL I don't know where he comes up with this stuff!
I got two really good recipes from Weight Watchers last week. One is for Taco Soup and the other is for Fruit Fluff.
Taco Soup:
1lb. of lean ground beef or turkey
1 medium onion/chopped
2 envelopes of taco seasoning mix
1 envelope of ranch dressing mix
1 can of navy beans
1 can of black beans
1 can of kidney beans
2 cans of diced or stewed tomatoes
1 can of mexicorn
Brown the meat and onions;add seasoning;then add the beans, tomatoes and mexicorn. Add water if needed. Some people drain the beans and add 3 cans of water. I think this is to keep the sodium content down. I didn't drain any of the beans or vegetables and still added some water.
I thought it would be like killer soup because of all the seasoning but it was delicious. But Ed is not allowed to eat it any more because when I got home later that day.....well, I am pretty sure you know why he is not allowed to have it again. ;-) Oh, but it is so hearty and delicious!
Fruit Fluff:
1 container of fatfree Cool Whip
1 small pkg. of sugar free vanilla instant pudding
1 container of sugar free peach yogurt
1 can of mandarin oranges, drained
1 can of crushed pineapple, drained
Mix the first three ingredients together thoroughly; then add the drained fruit and mix. Chill and serve. I also sprinkled an envelope of sugar free peach jello into this. It is delish and refreshing!! (Ed IS allowed to have this!! :-)
Friday, August 25, 2006
Two sisters and a Tracker
Okay, for those of you who have read my blog for awhile, you will remember a post that I wrote about me and my two sisters and a Tracker. You can read it here . Well, this past Tuesday, my sister Debbie, who owns the said Tracker, called and asked if I would drive her to a doctor's appointment. She was not feeling very well and did not want to go alone. I was a bit curious as to how I would handle pushing in the clutch and all but I told her I would go. Well, guess what???? I was able to get into the Tracker NORMALLY and I didn't have to lift my leg up to put my foot on the clutch this time!!! To God be the glory for what He has done!! Isn't that wonderful??? My physical condition has improved soooo much, even more than I had realized! Debbie and I always have such a good time when we go anywhere together. She has a dry sense of humor and doesn't even realize how funny she is and can be. I just had to share this wonderful news with you. Why, I bet I could even climb into the back seat of that Tracker.......if I wanted....I bet I could.....*grin*.....maybe next time......I mean, if my OLDER sister Bev could climb in the backseat......I bet I can......
My favorite day....Friday!
Well, I have been up since 6am, thanks to my trusty alarm clock. I've done one lady's hair and am awaiting my next arrival at 9am. Then I have to do my hair. In between times, I am endeavoring to paint the back porch before it gets too hot. Ed is putting a new metal roof on our home and we are having to paint all of the trim to match it. The porch is all we have left to do and hopefully we will finish it today!
Later today, I would love to go to China Fortune in Nelsonville. This is my favorite Chinese restaurant in the world. Well, not that I have been to all of the Chinese restaurants IN the known world. I haven't even been out of North America, for heaven's sake. BUT, of the Chinese restaurants I HAVE been to, this one is my fave. My favorite dish is Happy Family. It has everything in it. Chicken, pork, beef, seafood and every oriental vegetable known to man. They bring it out on this sizzling hot platter and it is to die for!!!! (Can you tell I have been on a diet for 6 weeks???? *feeble grin* Oh...uh, er.....I mean....I have been eating healthy for 6 weeks? *sorry about that little foible, WW) So last night I told Ed that I would like to go to China Fortune and have Happy Family and he said, "But we ARE a happy family!" Isn't that just so sweet? And witty? *smile* (I think he was trying to get out of footing the bill maybe for lunch? It's not gonna work.)
Even later today, we are going to take the Rockmeister (Rocky, our lab) down to Daniel and Erin's. They want to take their boxer, Heidi, and Rocky down to Stroud's Run and let them go swimming. Rocky loves to swim and fetch. I swear he would run and fetch or swim and fetch until he died! I've had to tell Daniel to stop throwing the stick or ball for Rocky because I'm afraid he'll collapse. (the dog, not Daniel *grin*) I've never seen anything like it. And Rocky runs full speed ahead so that when he reaches the ball or stick or whatever he almost and sometimes does end up rolling head over heals. I said I've never seen anything like it, but one time, when Daniel was about 10 or 11, he was riding his bike back and forth on the road in front of our house. It was a hot, humid day and our former dog, Bearly, was running after him and we had to finally tell Daniel to stop because Bearly was going to collapse. We have it on video. Bearly would follow Daniel anywhere and for however long it took. She was a lab, too. They are just such amazing dogs, so obedient and loyal and affectionate.
Well, I need to get off of here and do some "healthy" eating before my next lady arrives. *grin* Love that healthy eating!! *smile* I've lost 16 pounds!! Yeehaa!!
Later today, I would love to go to China Fortune in Nelsonville. This is my favorite Chinese restaurant in the world. Well, not that I have been to all of the Chinese restaurants IN the known world. I haven't even been out of North America, for heaven's sake. BUT, of the Chinese restaurants I HAVE been to, this one is my fave. My favorite dish is Happy Family. It has everything in it. Chicken, pork, beef, seafood and every oriental vegetable known to man. They bring it out on this sizzling hot platter and it is to die for!!!! (Can you tell I have been on a diet for 6 weeks???? *feeble grin* Oh...uh, er.....I mean....I have been eating healthy for 6 weeks? *sorry about that little foible, WW) So last night I told Ed that I would like to go to China Fortune and have Happy Family and he said, "But we ARE a happy family!" Isn't that just so sweet? And witty? *smile* (I think he was trying to get out of footing the bill maybe for lunch? It's not gonna work.)
Even later today, we are going to take the Rockmeister (Rocky, our lab) down to Daniel and Erin's. They want to take their boxer, Heidi, and Rocky down to Stroud's Run and let them go swimming. Rocky loves to swim and fetch. I swear he would run and fetch or swim and fetch until he died! I've had to tell Daniel to stop throwing the stick or ball for Rocky because I'm afraid he'll collapse. (the dog, not Daniel *grin*) I've never seen anything like it. And Rocky runs full speed ahead so that when he reaches the ball or stick or whatever he almost and sometimes does end up rolling head over heals. I said I've never seen anything like it, but one time, when Daniel was about 10 or 11, he was riding his bike back and forth on the road in front of our house. It was a hot, humid day and our former dog, Bearly, was running after him and we had to finally tell Daniel to stop because Bearly was going to collapse. We have it on video. Bearly would follow Daniel anywhere and for however long it took. She was a lab, too. They are just such amazing dogs, so obedient and loyal and affectionate.
Well, I need to get off of here and do some "healthy" eating before my next lady arrives. *grin* Love that healthy eating!! *smile* I've lost 16 pounds!! Yeehaa!!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
One of my favorite places

This is my back porch. Plain and simple. I love to sit out here any time of the day.....morning, afternoon or evening, if the weather is not hot and humid, that is. We have a grove of sycamore trees that form a canopy over the porch all day which makes it so nice. You all have an open invite to come down and have a cup of coffee, tea or whatever and just visit. Just call ahead is all I ask. :-) Oh, and be warned that Rocky will no doubt join us!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
"Where do I begin...to tell the story of how....."
....great a love has been???" Wow..remember that old movie? "Love Story" with Ryan O'Neal and Ali McGraw? Now, that is going back a few years,hm? Or maybe more like a few decades.
Anywayyyyy, where do I begin to catch up on all of the stuff I haven't blogged about for two weeks and more??
Okay, let's do first things first. I've been going to Weight Watchers for 6 weeks now. *drum roll please* I have lost 16 pounds!!! And a dress size!!! Yeehaa!! I wore one of my favorite dresses to church this morning. This is a dress that I have not been able to wear for oh, maybe two years or more. It is a summer outfit so I was hoping to wear it before the weather turns chilly. I also have another summer dress that I absolutely love that I hope I can wear before cold weather comes. So, I think I am in the zone as far as this eating modification goes. (we don't use the word "diet") It really is all about portion control. And, believe me, I was putting away some manly portions beforetime! Whew! I haven't felt stuffed once since I began WW. There have been a few times when I have gone until I felt real hunger pangs but it was just because I had not taken the time to eat. Unless you are fasting for spiritual reasons, it is important that you eat to lose weight because if you don't eat regular meals and snacks, your metabolism slows down. Anywayyyy....it has taken me a long time to get back on the weight loss track but here I am! And I am planning to stay the course until I reach my goal. My first goal is to lose 10% of my total beginning weight. I'll keep you posted!
My sister, Debbie, had to have a heart catharization this past Tuesday. Up until this time, she has had like 4 heart caths done. She has had 3 stents put in but has had a 60% blockage in one of the main arteries. The doctor has not wanted to do open heart surgery to correct this because of the poor conditon of her lungs. She has ephysema and COPD. She has smoked heavily most of her adult life and continues to smoke, even though she is on oxygen and at-home breathing treatments and so on. Well, the doctor said that if the 60% blockage was still there this time , they would really have to consider open heart surgery. Well, I told Debbie several weeks ago that I was going to pray that the Lord would clear this artery. He can do anything! And surgery would just be too difficult for her. After the procedure, the doctor came out to talk to us about what he found and he told us that there were no blockages in any of Debbie's arteries!!! What about the 60% blockage?? It is no longer there and her heart and lungs seemed to have improved! Is the Lord able to do exceeding abundantly more than we can even think to ask???? Hallelujah! Well, I went into see Debbie in recovery and she said, "Okay, I want to see you shout right here." So I held onto her beside table and modestly danced around and thanked the Lord for His awesome goodness! I told her that now I am going to pray that she will get delivered from those cigarettes! In Jesus' Name!
When I was at campmeeting at the Ohio Apostolic Campgrounds two weeks ago, Bro. Stoneking prayed for me and the Lord healed my back. *tears* "How great is our God.....sing with me.....How great is our God...." I had gone down to the front of the tabernacle, pushing my way through the throngs of people and someone took hold of my hand and led me to Bro. Stoneking. By the way, he prayed me through to the Holy Ghost 37 years ago, so he has a special place in my heart. *smile* I'll never forget that night...the night I found the Lord....I was speaking in tongues and crying and I remember looking up and hearing him say, "She's got it, folks......she's got it" and he was pointing his finger down at me. It is kind of a classic Bro. Stoneking posture that you will know if you know him at all. *smile* Anywayy...back to campmeeting.....I went hurrying back to where Ed, Daniel and Erin were and I was crying and telling them I was healed. I put first one foot and then the other one up on the pew......something I had not been able to do for soooooo long. We cried and shouted and worshipped the Lord. It was so awesome and continues to be.
The Sunday before this happened my oldest brother, Bill, had brought me an annointed handkerchief. He came by our church as he was on his way to his that evening. They had had an awesome service that morning and he took his handkerchief down and many people who know me gathered around and they prayed for my healing. *tears* Well, when he brought it to church that evening and gave it to me, we just cried and rejoiced and had us a time in the Lord for a little while. I have that handkerchief with me still and I am walking in the healing of the Lord. I will be honest and say that the pain has returned a few times but I just call upon the name of the Lord and go to prayer and the pain lifts. Last Monday night I was literally skipping through the house! Now, I haven't skipped anywhere for a loooooong time, let me tell you. But when I think of the goodness of Jesus.......I just have to have me a time! *smile*
I'll end by telling you this: I had taken Debbie for her previous heart cath back in the spring. It was just me and Debbie and I was in pretty bad shape. When he entered the hospital, a lady asked Debbie if she needed a wheelchair and I almost spoke up and said, "Yes, I do, ma'am." But I wasn't the patient that day. So off we went with Debbie in the wheelchair, while I probably needed it worse than she did. I could barely get around the hospital that day. I remember walking to the cafeteria and feeling like I wasn't going to make it. There wasn't much to hold on to and there was no where to sit down on the way but I just gritted my teeth and did what I had to do. Well, this time, I parked my car in the farside of the parking lot......mostly because there wasn't a closer spot, but I have been trying to walk more and I did! I also walked to the cafeteria because I met my other sister, Bev, there and my nephew, Troy. I thought we must have taken a short cut or something because it just wasn't so difficult to walk all of that way, but it wasn't a shortcut at all. I was able to walk that distance without pain or tiring!!! Isn't HE wonderful, wonderful, wonderful?? Isn't Jesus, my Lord, wonderful??? Eye's not seen, ear's not heard, what's recorded in His word, Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful??????
I want to tell you about one other healing. This was over a year ago. It was on a Sunday morning and I was browning a roast to put in the oven for dinner later. I was hurrying around and dropped the roast into the hot oil in the kettle on stove. In doing so, hot oil splashed up on my middle, ring and little fingers of my right hand. Immediately blisters rose and I was in horrendous pain. I plunged my fingers into cold water and got a bag of ice ready to put my hand in. I mean, we had to get to church.....I had to do music and teach class. It didn't even cross my mind not to go. Thank goodness I was all ready to go. So off we go withmy hand in a bag of ice and water. I couldn't bear to take my hand out of the ice. When we got to church, I went back to my classroom and started preparing things. My pastor's wife came back and asked me what happened to my hand and after I told her, we went to the pastor's office so he could pray for me. Now he didn't pray a fancy prayer or get inordinately loud, but he did pray effectually! My fingers were healed immediately......IMMEDIATELY!! No blisters, no pain, no redness....healed! "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty....there's nothing that He cannot do...." Hallelujah, He's a prayer-answering God! We just "settle" for less than what He wants to do for us. I am just as guilty as the next person, but I am learning to trust Him to supply ALL of my needs according to His riches in glory.
Thank you for reading this lengthy post....*little smile*....I just had to tell you of His goodness to me!
Anywayyyyy, where do I begin to catch up on all of the stuff I haven't blogged about for two weeks and more??
Okay, let's do first things first. I've been going to Weight Watchers for 6 weeks now. *drum roll please* I have lost 16 pounds!!! And a dress size!!! Yeehaa!! I wore one of my favorite dresses to church this morning. This is a dress that I have not been able to wear for oh, maybe two years or more. It is a summer outfit so I was hoping to wear it before the weather turns chilly. I also have another summer dress that I absolutely love that I hope I can wear before cold weather comes. So, I think I am in the zone as far as this eating modification goes. (we don't use the word "diet") It really is all about portion control. And, believe me, I was putting away some manly portions beforetime! Whew! I haven't felt stuffed once since I began WW. There have been a few times when I have gone until I felt real hunger pangs but it was just because I had not taken the time to eat. Unless you are fasting for spiritual reasons, it is important that you eat to lose weight because if you don't eat regular meals and snacks, your metabolism slows down. Anywayyyy....it has taken me a long time to get back on the weight loss track but here I am! And I am planning to stay the course until I reach my goal. My first goal is to lose 10% of my total beginning weight. I'll keep you posted!
My sister, Debbie, had to have a heart catharization this past Tuesday. Up until this time, she has had like 4 heart caths done. She has had 3 stents put in but has had a 60% blockage in one of the main arteries. The doctor has not wanted to do open heart surgery to correct this because of the poor conditon of her lungs. She has ephysema and COPD. She has smoked heavily most of her adult life and continues to smoke, even though she is on oxygen and at-home breathing treatments and so on. Well, the doctor said that if the 60% blockage was still there this time , they would really have to consider open heart surgery. Well, I told Debbie several weeks ago that I was going to pray that the Lord would clear this artery. He can do anything! And surgery would just be too difficult for her. After the procedure, the doctor came out to talk to us about what he found and he told us that there were no blockages in any of Debbie's arteries!!! What about the 60% blockage?? It is no longer there and her heart and lungs seemed to have improved! Is the Lord able to do exceeding abundantly more than we can even think to ask???? Hallelujah! Well, I went into see Debbie in recovery and she said, "Okay, I want to see you shout right here." So I held onto her beside table and modestly danced around and thanked the Lord for His awesome goodness! I told her that now I am going to pray that she will get delivered from those cigarettes! In Jesus' Name!
When I was at campmeeting at the Ohio Apostolic Campgrounds two weeks ago, Bro. Stoneking prayed for me and the Lord healed my back. *tears* "How great is our God.....sing with me.....How great is our God...." I had gone down to the front of the tabernacle, pushing my way through the throngs of people and someone took hold of my hand and led me to Bro. Stoneking. By the way, he prayed me through to the Holy Ghost 37 years ago, so he has a special place in my heart. *smile* I'll never forget that night...the night I found the Lord....I was speaking in tongues and crying and I remember looking up and hearing him say, "She's got it, folks......she's got it" and he was pointing his finger down at me. It is kind of a classic Bro. Stoneking posture that you will know if you know him at all. *smile* Anywayy...back to campmeeting.....I went hurrying back to where Ed, Daniel and Erin were and I was crying and telling them I was healed. I put first one foot and then the other one up on the pew......something I had not been able to do for soooooo long. We cried and shouted and worshipped the Lord. It was so awesome and continues to be.
The Sunday before this happened my oldest brother, Bill, had brought me an annointed handkerchief. He came by our church as he was on his way to his that evening. They had had an awesome service that morning and he took his handkerchief down and many people who know me gathered around and they prayed for my healing. *tears* Well, when he brought it to church that evening and gave it to me, we just cried and rejoiced and had us a time in the Lord for a little while. I have that handkerchief with me still and I am walking in the healing of the Lord. I will be honest and say that the pain has returned a few times but I just call upon the name of the Lord and go to prayer and the pain lifts. Last Monday night I was literally skipping through the house! Now, I haven't skipped anywhere for a loooooong time, let me tell you. But when I think of the goodness of Jesus.......I just have to have me a time! *smile*
I'll end by telling you this: I had taken Debbie for her previous heart cath back in the spring. It was just me and Debbie and I was in pretty bad shape. When he entered the hospital, a lady asked Debbie if she needed a wheelchair and I almost spoke up and said, "Yes, I do, ma'am." But I wasn't the patient that day. So off we went with Debbie in the wheelchair, while I probably needed it worse than she did. I could barely get around the hospital that day. I remember walking to the cafeteria and feeling like I wasn't going to make it. There wasn't much to hold on to and there was no where to sit down on the way but I just gritted my teeth and did what I had to do. Well, this time, I parked my car in the farside of the parking lot......mostly because there wasn't a closer spot, but I have been trying to walk more and I did! I also walked to the cafeteria because I met my other sister, Bev, there and my nephew, Troy. I thought we must have taken a short cut or something because it just wasn't so difficult to walk all of that way, but it wasn't a shortcut at all. I was able to walk that distance without pain or tiring!!! Isn't HE wonderful, wonderful, wonderful?? Isn't Jesus, my Lord, wonderful??? Eye's not seen, ear's not heard, what's recorded in His word, Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful??????
I want to tell you about one other healing. This was over a year ago. It was on a Sunday morning and I was browning a roast to put in the oven for dinner later. I was hurrying around and dropped the roast into the hot oil in the kettle on stove. In doing so, hot oil splashed up on my middle, ring and little fingers of my right hand. Immediately blisters rose and I was in horrendous pain. I plunged my fingers into cold water and got a bag of ice ready to put my hand in. I mean, we had to get to church.....I had to do music and teach class. It didn't even cross my mind not to go. Thank goodness I was all ready to go. So off we go withmy hand in a bag of ice and water. I couldn't bear to take my hand out of the ice. When we got to church, I went back to my classroom and started preparing things. My pastor's wife came back and asked me what happened to my hand and after I told her, we went to the pastor's office so he could pray for me. Now he didn't pray a fancy prayer or get inordinately loud, but he did pray effectually! My fingers were healed immediately......IMMEDIATELY!! No blisters, no pain, no redness....healed! "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty....there's nothing that He cannot do...." Hallelujah, He's a prayer-answering God! We just "settle" for less than what He wants to do for us. I am just as guilty as the next person, but I am learning to trust Him to supply ALL of my needs according to His riches in glory.
Thank you for reading this lengthy post....*little smile*....I just had to tell you of His goodness to me!
Friday, August 11, 2006
More pics from the Reds game
How 'Bout them Reds????

Though I am a bit late in reporting this, we took Daniel and Erin and Erin's brother Brian to a Red's game last Saturday. We wanted to go to this game because they were playing the Atlanta Braves....my team! And Ed's, too, and kinda sorta Daniel's though he was a traitor Saturday and rooted for the Reds. Yessss, the Braves lost but they started out really well. I got to do my Braves hatchet chop thingy and do the indian tune. You know. "Oh,oh, oh-u-oh, oh,oh,oh-u-oh" That's the best I could write it here, but I think some of you might be familiar with it. Yes, I was a complete embarrassment to my family but I had to cheer for my team. And my boy, Chipper Jones, was on the disabled list!! Can you believe it?? A strained left oblique muscle. The Reds came back and won. *sigh* And before the game was over, I was feeling terrible. Tired, sicked and completely wrung out. You see, we had gotten home late from family camp the night before and now I know that the intestinal flu was in my system. I actually managed to sleep through the last part of the game. I slept for a little while on the way home but mostly was awake and it was an enjoyable ride home. The kids are so much fun to talk and kid with. Brian is a hoot! Oh and he was on crutches from having injured his ankle playing football with some friends so I was in good company! I did great though. We had to walk like 3-4 long city blocks to get to the ballpark from the parking garage.
The picture at the top left is of Bronson Arroyo. I think it is a great picture. Below are various pics from the game! Enjoy!


Wednesday, August 09, 2006
The view from my computer desk
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
A room with a view
Monday, August 07, 2006
I honestly don't mean to sound so pathetic but I have been sick for the past three days and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired and nauseous. It's like morning sickness all over again, only accompanied by diarrhea. (Sorry for being so graphic) But I haven't actually vomited. I have just been terribly queasy. I would probably feel better if I could vomit, but I can't even MAKE myself upchuck. I mean, I've tried but my gag reflex must be preeetttyyyy strong. Anywayyyy....I'll spare you any further sickness-related details and just say that I am feeling better, though still a bit weak. I believe it was on Thursday that someone at camp mentioned to me that alot of the children had the intestinal flu. I was hoping to avoid it....*sigh*
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