Monday, August 07, 2006


I honestly don't mean to sound so pathetic but I have been sick for the past three days and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired and nauseous. It's like morning sickness all over again, only accompanied by diarrhea. (Sorry for being so graphic) But I haven't actually vomited. I have just been terribly queasy. I would probably feel better if I could vomit, but I can't even MAKE myself upchuck. I mean, I've tried but my gag reflex must be preeetttyyyy strong. Anywayyyy....I'll spare you any further sickness-related details and just say that I am feeling better, though still a bit weak. I believe it was on Thursday that someone at camp mentioned to me that alot of the children had the intestinal flu. I was hoping to avoid it....*sigh*


The Muffin said...

Yeah, mine was like that Sis.Jewel. But eventually, the tossing of cookies did come. Joy of joys.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis. Jewel,
Did you know that FIVE people threw up in church one night of family camp? My daughter was one of them! We thought the connection was the ice cream parlor...because that's where everyone from that night had eaten that day!! But, now....who knows??
Hope ya feel better! ;-)

MotherT said...

Hope you are feeling better, Sis. Jewel!!! I hate being sick anytime, but it is so much worse during hot weather. Love you!

Jewel said...

Thanks for stopping by everyone. I appreciate it so much. I am feeling better.

Becky-I couldn't even eat cookies. Crackers were my food of choice and I couldn't even "toss" those. I don't "toss". I would probably feel better if I could or did.

Bethy Taywa-thanks for the love. *feeble grin* I've needed it and I pray you are feeling better SOON.

Sis. Jana- No, I didn't make any trips to the ice cream parlor, so my floogey didn't come from there but I am sure it was camp-related because I know of so many people who were at camp last week and have had this same illness, but we are all getting better....thank the Lord!

Sis. Theresa-thankfully the heat and humidity have subsided some. It has been beautiful here today. I sat out on the back porch for a little while and watched Ed burn yellow jacket nests. Pretty thrilling stuff, hm??? *grin*

Jewel said...

Thanks for stopping by everyone. I appreciate it so much. I am feeling better.

Becky-I couldn't even eat cookies. Crackers were my food of choice and I couldn't even "toss" those. I don't "toss". I would probably feel better if I could or did.

Bethy Taywa-thanks for the love. *feeble grin* I've needed it and I pray you are feeling better SOON.

Sis. Jana- No, I didn't make any trips to the ice cream parlor, so my floogey didn't come from there but I am sure it was camp-related because I know of so many people who were at camp last week and have had this same illness, but we are all getting better....thank the Lord!

Sis. Theresa-thankfully the heat and humidity have subsided some. It has been beautiful here today. I sat out on the back porch for a little while and watched Ed burn yellow jacket nests. Pretty thrilling stuff, hm??? *grin*