Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My first Wednesday Hodgepodge!

Joyce, at From This Side of the Pond is hosting Wednesday Hodgepodge and I'm excited to be participating in my first!! Just click on her blog and join in the fun and make some new friends while getting to know some "already" friends better! :-)

1. What is the most amazing weather you've ever seen?
I'm not sure just what year it was, but we had FEET of snow here and were without power for days. Talk about being socked in! I'm thinking it was in December of 2002, if my calculations serve me correctly, because it was right before Daniel turned 16.
It was right after Christmas, because we were able to dig out before Daniel's 16th birthday party. And we were concerned that his then-girlfriend and her aunt and uncle, who are dear friends of ours, might not be able to make it. But they did and I remember them coming to our house after the party and our driveway was like a tunnel almost with mountains of snow on either side!
If you're wondering why I'm including all of these details, it's because I'm thinking out loud about it all in trying to figure out just when it was.
I'm going with the snowstorm of 2002-03!!! :-)

2. What is a sound or noise you love?
Jaylon yelling "Pa-pa" when we are outside. It is so precious! I'll have to get a video of it and post it!! AND the quiet....is that a sound?....like right now, as I'm sitting here typing this and Jaylon is sleeping. *sighhhhh* All I can hear is the computer humming and the tapping of my fingers on the keys.

3. Do you like seafood? What's your favorite seafood dish?
I looooove seafood! And would you believe that just about my favorite seafood dish is the seafood salad at our local chinese restaurant? Oh yum! AND the fishtail dinner at Jack's Steakhouse!

4. What part of your day requires the most patience?
I would say the evening between 5-6 o'clock. I'm usually kind of weary from a long day. It's time for Jaylon to go home. Some evenings, we have somewhere to go or I'm thinking about dinner. And now it is dark by that time. It just tends to be a bit of a stressful time for me.

5. What's your favorite shade of blue?
I would have to say navy!

6. Do people underestimate you?
I believe so, if appearances mean anything. ;-)

7. When was the last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
You know, honestly, I think it was when little Jaylon was being born. *tears* Can you believe it still makes me teary-eyed? It's so amazing that you can love this little baby so much and you've not even seen him till that moment in the nursery, where the nurse is doing all of the necessary things, gathering measurements and data and so on, while we grandparents stand at the window straining to get a peek at him. *sigh* Yep, I think that was the last time. :-)

8. Insert your own random thought here, and remember...I have a wooden spoon and I'm not afraid to use it.
Joyce! You are so cute and funny! A wooden spoon! :-)
There are days when I think, "Who has time to blog?". It would just be one less thing I have to do. But then when I finally get back to blogging, I find that I just love it and the people that I've met and blog with.
I don't mean to whine, but it would help tremendously if I didn't have to deal with dial-up still, so I'm praying that they get high-speed capabilites here in my little valley SOON!!! Please!!!!


Joyce said...

I'm glad you battled the dial up to play along today : )

That evening/dinner time gets me too...I know its not a popular thing to say but I'm a morning person.

Jewel said...

I tend to be a morningperson, too, Joyce!! Up with morning people!! :-)

Barbara H. said...

I had seen this but haven't decided if I want to jump in and do it yet. I do like that it is fewer questions -- the dozen was a bit hard to keep up with sometimes. I always have one or two that I have a hard time coming up with an answer for.

I can't imagine being on dial-up. I hope you get high-speed capabilities soon, too!

VandyJ said...

I am an unwilling morning person. If I don't get up, no one does. I have a great autopilot though.

Jewel said...

Hi Barbara...yes, it does seem like a commitment of sorts, doesn't it? AND yyou are such a faithful blogger!! It's good to "see" you! :-)
Hi Vandy...I have some friends who are not morning people, so I do understand how tough it can be for you. We just laugh at eachother, especially when we travelled together and I was ready for bed at 9pm and she was just getting started! Oh my!
Thank goodness for your autopilot, hm? :-) Thanks so much for stopping by!!!

Jewel said...

Hi Barbara...yes, it does seem like a commitment of sorts, doesn't it? AND yyou are such a faithful blogger!! It's good to "see" you! :-)
Hi Vandy...I have some friends who are not morning people, so I do understand how tough it can be for you. We just laugh at eachother, especially when we travelled together and I was ready for bed at 9pm and she was just getting started! Oh my!
Thank goodness for your autopilot, hm? :-) Thanks so much for stopping by!!!

Mary said...

You're not just a "tad" bit in love with that grandson, huh? I love hearing about him and how much he is loved!

Sir Nottaguy-Imadad said...

Quiet when a toddler is around means the tyke is sleeping or doing something that will totally wig you out.

At least they have telephone lines in your valley. Where would your dial-up be without them? I totally feel for you. We had dial-up for a long time.

Jewel said...

So, you're tellin' me it shows, hm, Mary? LOL
Oh yes, Sir...when I KNOW he is up and awake and I CAN'T hear him, I go lookin' for him, hoping for the best! :-)