I'm sorry that I have not posted for like a week, I believe it has been. Hmmm....maybe a little longer? I'm not sure. Anywayyyy.....I haven't had the flu or anything like that, I have just been in a lot of PAIN. I am not sure what is going on but my mobility has really diminished, meaning that it has been very difficult to walk or get around, even here at home.
Sooooo.......I have had to put first things first in their proper order which would be: The Lord, my dear husband, my home, the pets. What? You can't believe my blog didn't make the top 4? *little smile* Oh, and I also stayed faithful to church which has been the only place that I have gone this past week. Prayer on Monday night, Bible Study on Wednesday night, church on Sunday. Then this weekend a dear saint from the Nelsonville church passed away and I was asked to do her hair, so Ed took me into the funeral home yesterday afternoon. Yes, you read correctly. I know that some may find it a bit......oh, I don't know......gross, morbid, whatever......to think of doing the hair of a person who is deceased BUT I look at it as a ministry. I really do. I mean, the dear saint isn't in that body any longer and I am so thankful to be able to do something to help the family at this most difficult of times. And there just aren't that many people who do long pentecostal hair any more. I am one of a few, it seems. What is really interesting is that the dear saint whose hair I did yesterday? I also did her mother-in-law's hair when she passed....dear Sis. Baker and also her sister-in-law.....dear Sis. Lyda, Sis. Baker's daughter. It was truly a privilege.
BUT.......after doing Sis. Baker's hair yesterday, I was a mess physically. I just came home and went to bed. I just don't know what is going on but the Lord does and I am trusting in Him to know what is best for me.
Also, our electricity was off yesterday for about twelve hours. I'm sure the wind took some lines down somewhere. Not to worry though because we have alternative heat, as in a woodburner and also propane wall heaters. But then, a few hours later, we also lost our water supply as there was a main break up the road somewhere. We always keep bottled water and the break was repaired around 8pm yesterday evening. Sooooo......everything looks to be back to normal around here except for my lower body. *little smile* BUT......we just keep on pressing on.
I know that some may wonder "How much energy does it take to put up a blog post, though?"
Well, it is just that when I am struggling with pain and a lack of mobility, I have to really apply myself to what HAS to be done, as I said above.....those things that are REALLY important and matter. And I have a little difficulty focusing mentally.
The only time that I can say that I am ever without pain at all is when I am laying down, soooooo I have kind of devised this little game for myself. I tell myself that if I get THIS, THIS, and THIS done, then I can go and lay down for a little while. Then after laying down and recovering for a while, I start over and do two or three more tasks. Some days I get more done than others. Trust me. *smile*
Now, I did not tell all of the above to get your pity or sympathy. It is just how my life is right now. But I would cherish you prayers. I really would. For healing. For grace. For my dear husband,who is so very wonderful to me.
I'm not sure how this week is going to progress but hopefully I will be able to get back to some regular blogging! ((BIG WARM HUGS TO ALL OF YOU))
Oh, and my adopted son put up a very timely and thoughtful post
here that I agree with one-hundred percent.
Two other blog posts that I found very interesting, concerning ministering to today's youth, can be found
here and
here. Even though we are no longer youth leaders, I still read as much as I can about ministering to youth. I love young people and want so much to see them succeed in living for the Lord and finding salvation in Him if they do not know Him.
I signed up a few years ago with
Larry Gibson's Yahoo UPC Youth Workers group. He sends out interesting articles and other helps to youth leaders and I have gathered great information and helps over the years.
Okay, that is all for now. I have sat here a bit too long so I must arise and get moving. Have a great day!!