Sunday, December 31, 2006

A new beginning.....again! 2007

The Land of Beginning Again
"I wish that there were some wonderful place
Called the Land of Beginning Again.
Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches
And all of our poor selfish grief
Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door
and never put on again.
I wish we could come on it all unawares,
Like the hunter who finds a lost trail;
And I wish that the one
whom our blindness had done
The greatest injustice of all
Could be there at the gates
like an old friend that waits
For the comrade he's gladdest to hail.
We would find all the things we intended to do
But forgot, and remembered too late,
Little praises unspoken, little promises broken,
And all the thousand and one
Little duties neglected that might have perfected
The day for one less fortunate.
It wouldn't be possible not to be kind
In the Land of Beginning Again,
And the ones we misjudged
and the ones whom we grudged
their moments of victory here,
Would find in the grasp of our loving hand-clasp
More than penitent lips could explain...
So I wish that there were some wonderful place
Called the Land of Beginning Again,
Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches,
And all of our poor selfish grief
Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door
And never put on again."
Author: Louise Fletcher Tarkington
He IS our new beginning, not just each new year, but each and every new day!

"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.
The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.
It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD."
Lamentations 3:23-26

I've been tagged!

Chantelle has tagged me to tell five things all of you don't know about me. Hmmmm, this might be a little difficult. I've really been thinking about this the past three days and I think I might be able to do it. Let's see.....

1. I was a cheerleader. Yes, you read correctly. I can hardly believe it myself. *grin* I was a cheerleader 7-11 grades at good old Starr-Washington Jr. and Sr. High Schools. If you are wondering what happened to the 12th grade....well, I was just kind of a flunkie my 12th grade year, even though I was on the honor society still. Oh, and I was a good cheerleader, too. I was always the one pushing the other girls to do bigger and more dynamic moves and so on. I'll have to find an old picture and scan it here! You won't believe it! *smile*
2. I got married on the same day I graduated from high school. Yes, it's true. I married my high school sweetheart, but from almost day one, we were headed for trouble, as he began drinking and we were so young and unprepared. Our marriage lasted 4 tumultuous years. I've remained friends with him and his family over the years, for which I am ever thankful. For you see, I gave my heart to the Lord a year and three months after our divorce and over the next several years saw his brother, sister-in-law, niece and mother be born again! Isn't that marvelous???
3. I wanted to be a teacher. But my highschool sweetheart said we could either get married or he would put me through college. Well, read above and you will see that I chose to get married! I didn't pursue college any further over the years but I did homeschool our son Daniel which kind of made up for it. I've also taught Sunday School classes and piano lessons over the years.
4. A few of my favorite things are:
Food: Pizza Crossing Pizza (Because the crust has a yeasty taste to it, like there might be beer in the dough batter or something. It is to die for!)
Ice Cream: Butter Pecan or Maple Nut
Past-time: Reading a really, really, really good book (Elizabeth Berg, Anne Tyler, Anita Shreve or Dan Brown) or watching a chick flick. (Sense and Sensibility, While You Were Sleeping, My Best Friend's Wedding, Little Women, The Wedding Planner) and crocheting and napping.
Colors: Red, Black, White, and Animal prints
Songs: He's Been Faithful, Alabaster Box, Hero, Mercy and Grace, and Hold On
5. I didn't want to have children. I know, I know, that might be a bit of a shocker, but I was single until I was 34 and was used to doing what I wanted when I wanted and so on. But from the moment I found out I was expecting, I felt so differently. Oh, there were a few times when I wondered what we were doing having a baby at our ages: me-35, Ed-44. But all of these years later, we are still blessed with our wonderful son, Daniel and now his wife, Erin!

Okay, now I have to tag 5 people. Let me see.........Theresa, Becky, Liz, Donnie, and Sis. Hurst! I look forward to learning more about each of you!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Oh My!

For some reason I have had quite a readership increase here on my humble little blog, so I am feeling the need to "get with it"! AND post a little more frequently. Hmmmmm......I wonder what has prompted the increase? Well, no matter......I am newly inspired to post! Which should become somewhat easier as the holidays come to a close. Can you believe they have Valentine Day merchandise on the store shelves already????? Grrrrrrrrr!......and I love Valentine's Day BUT I don't like the rushing of the holidays. Anywayyyyyyy.......Have you noticed that I tend to change subjects rather quickly sometimes? *grin* My husband says it gives him motion sickness. *smile*

I have been sooooo busy the past two days! The day after Christmas, I kind of vegged out, which was quite pleasant, I must say. I was just sooooo tired. I got up at my usual 6:45am-ish and started the coffee and fed and cuddled the animals....Ellie the cat and Rocky the lab. I took my coffee and oatmeal creme pie into the den and woke up slowly and then began crocheting on my I-don't-know-what-number-this-one-is Ohio State afghan. The one I am making now is scarlet,gray and white stripes and I am doing single and double crochet. I think it is going to be my favorite.
The first one I did, pictured here draped over the back of my rocking chair, was all double/single*?* crochet. The stitches are quite tight and it is about the size of a queen-size bed! (what was I thinking?) I swear you could lay under it with six inches of snow on top of you and you wouldn't feel a thing!! *smile* But I love it! I do think the one I am working on now is going to be my favorite one though. I'll post a pic of it when I get it finished.
Ed's oldest daughter, Shanna, and her husband, Paul and their children arrived from Dallas on Tuesday. They are staying at Shanna's mother and step-father's house. Ed and I were invited up for Christmas dinner on Wednesday. It was so good to see Shanna and Paul and the children! We had coffee and just chatted and hugged and visited. And it was a beautiful day outside, too! *smile* I am so thankful that all of us "parents" get along so well, meaning Bonnie, Ed's first wife and the mother of his three oldest children, and her husband, Jerry and me and Ed. That night, Wednesday, Paul and Shanna and their children went to church in Nelsonville where Daniel and Erin go, so Ed and I called Pastor Martin and asked to be excused from service that evening and I made music arrangements for church. It was good to worship with Paul and Shanna and Daniel and Erin.
Here is a pic of Daniel and Erin and Bro. Dunnells, Erin's dad and the pastor of the church in Nelsonville. It was just wonderful being in church with the kids and then afterward, visiting and having a good time. Paul and Shanna will be leaving tomorrow (Friday) to go to Georgia to see Paul's family and then it will be home to Dallas. They go to Bro. Flowers church in Mesquite.

Here is a picture of Shanna and her dad, Elder Sis. Pullin with Lara and Skylar, one of Ed, Shanna and the kids, and one of Shanna and Paul.
I was so tired last night as we went to church. Ed and I hardly said two words all the way to church, so I know he must have been feeling pretty weary, too. I dropped him off at church and then went by the funeral home in Nelsonville. My close friend, Pat, had a dear friend, Lowell, pass away this past Christmas weekend and I went by to offer my condolences to her.
I then went back to church and though I was pushing myself, once we began to enter into His presence and to worship, all the cares of the day slipped away and I felt such a refreshing come over me. Oh, what would we do without Him? He is truly the rest and refreshing that His word proclaims Him to be!
This morning I was up early, albeit not so brightly *feeble grin*, as Sis. Pam and I had to be in Athens at 9am for an appointment. We then shopped just a little and had lunch at Applebee's. We then went our separate ways, as I went to Lowell's funeral where I played the organ for the service. Afterward, I went on to the cemetery where the military portion of the funeral was held. It was absolutely beautiful: to see all of the veterans lined up and the seven men who gave the 21-gun salute. Then Taps was played. I have never in my life heard the Taps played like this man played it. It was absolutely flawless. He played a genuine bugle. The notes echoed out over the hillside. There was scarcely a dry eye in the crowd that was gathered about the tent. I am so thankful the weather was so beautiful. I do believe Lowell would have been pleased. Pat had a beautiful blanket of burgundy roses placed on the top of Lowell's coffin and at the cemetery, after the service, it was placed at one end of the casket, and each lady was asked to take a rose as a memento. I thought that was such a touching gesture. Her children were there and it was so good to see Mike and Karen, who I haven't seen for so long. I teased Mike about what a great target that Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker of his was! *smile*
When I arrived home, I saw that Ed had taken down the wreaths and swags from the windows outside, so after resting for just a short while, I went outside and bagged them all up and took down the garland from around the porch railing and cleaned up the front porch. Then I noticed that I had gotten some pretty serious mud splashes on my car this afternoon, so I came inside and got a bucket of water and thought I was just going to wash up a couple of spots behind the front wheelwells but ended up washing my entire car and the inside!! Oh well......*feeble grin* When Ed got home a short time later, he took down the lighted spiral trees and we are finished with taking down the outside decorations. (I didn't have the heart to tell him that I had wanted to leave them up through New Year's.) But we had talked of taking them down today because it is supposed to rain all weekend, and they had a chance to dry out the past couple of days after the soaking rain we had on Christmas day.
By this time, it was about 5 0'clock, and a hot, fresh cup of coffee was sounding so good, so I made us some and we sat in the den and talked and relaxed for a little while, sharing the happenings of our day. I then "hoisted" myself up out of my chair and proceeded to make us some supper. (I still say supper, though so many people call the evening meal dinner nowadays.) I diced up the leftover Christmas ham and browned it in a big skillet. I put it on a plate and then put the left-over scalloped (augratin) potatoes in the skillet, adding a little milk, and let them simmer until they were well-heated. I added the diced ham and mixed it in with the potatoes. I heated some baby peas to have with the ham/scalloped potatoes. It was such a good meal! I hadn't fixed scalloped potatoes for such a long time and I didn't realize how good they were re-heated. They're almost as good as leftover spaghetti or vegetable soup or soup beans! *smile* Now when I say scalloped potatoes, I mean the kind sliced and fixed with cheese, butter, milk, and a little flower, though I believe cookbooks call scalloped potatoes more like a creamed potato dish. Oh well......*grin*.
After supper, I laid down on my bed and called my sister Debbie, as Ed said she had called at least "FIFTY" times today! *HA HA* He does exaggerate a little sometimes, though I will admit, Debbie can be pretty persistent! She wants me to go shopping with her tomorrow afternoon, which is not the least bit appealing to me at the present time, but hopefully by tomorrow afternoon, I will be feeling alot more rested!?!?!? I then called my sister, Bev, and caught up on the weeks happenings with her and then it was a call to my brothers, Bill and Johnny, to remind them of our yearly New Year lunch at Red Lobster this Saturday afternoon at two o'clock!
I have been sitting here for about the past hour, catching up on my blog-reading and typing this post and my vision is getting a bit blurry and my eyelids heavy. *yawwwwnnnnn* It is now 9:16pm and I know that I am not long out of bed.
Things I am thankful for today:
my dear and close girlfriends/ I don't know what I would do without you.
my siblings/we've only gotten closer as the years have passed.
my husband/ it's been worth the tough times to get to where we are today. You're the best.
the sunshine/ I've only realized recently how much I need it and what a difference it makes in how I feel.
the Lord/ truly You walk with me and You talk with me and You tell me I am Your own.
May the remaining days of this year be good ones for each of you! God bless!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Past

Happy Day After Christmas, Everyone! This had to be the wettest, rainiest Christmas day I can ever remember! Whew! BUT, the nastiness outside sure did make the house feel cozy. I turned on all of the Christmas lights and lit candles throuhout the house. It was soooooo warm and snuggily in here! We spent a quiet day at home. Daniel and Erin came up about mid-morning and we exchanged gifts and had something to eat. They had their big Christmas dinner with Erin's family at two Christmas afternoon. Erin got Daniel an electric guitar and amplifier for Christmas! He has always wanted to learn to play the guitar, though I think he is best on the drums. He has such a gift playing the drums! But I am sure there is room for another talent there, hm? (oh, and did I mention that he has a wonderful singing voice? *grin*) After they left, Ed and I had dinner. Then at about three in the afternoon, I went to my sister Debbie and we exchanged gifts, drank some delicious coffee and had such a nice visit. We have never missed a Christmas being together. We have been through so much together over the years. I talked to each of my siblings Christmas morning, as is our tradition. I think most of them had a fairly quiet Christmas day, after spending Christmas Eve with their children and grandchildren. Daniel left his keys, wallet, and phone here earlier in the day so we took them down to him last night at about 8pm. Erin was sleeping because she had to go to work last night at 10. Daniel showed us his Christmas gifts and we had a nice visit with the grand-doggies. They were all kind of subdued last night, which was nice for a change.
Daniel likes things to be organized, so I got him a belt caddy for one of his stocking stuffers. I also got Erin one. He was showing us clothes and ties that he got for Christmas and sure enough, when we went into their walk-in closet.....which is actually their smallest bedroom which has been converted into a walk-in closet.....he had already put all of his belts on BOTH of the belt organizers and had them hanging on the clothes rack. He loves things like that. I saw that he needs another tie rack, so I am going to be on the lookout for one for him.
The above post was typed the day after Christmas. I am just now posting it because of a slight computer glitch which has now been corrected! (thank you, Ed *smile*)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Pastor Martin is HOME!!

Pastor Martin finally had a heart cath yesterday (Friday) evening. There were no blockages and his heart and arteries look good! Isn't that wonderful? Thank you, Jesus. Truly, He is a prayer answering God. The cardiologist said the pain may have been muscular/skeletal in nature, but that doesn't explain the numbness in both hands, hm? He also said the chest pain and numbness could have been stress-induced. *sigh* I am earnestly praying that the Lord will help Pastor Martin to find a place of peace and rest, though I must say that he doesn't let his stress show. I was kidding him today and told him to stop stressing over getting me a Christmas gift. I'd let him slide by this year!!! *smile* Because he has been told to take it easy for the next few days, we are having a singspiration in the morning at church, so I have been a bit busy getting this all arranged, but I think everything is in order, but it does mean an early morning tomorrow. Ed and I are also hosting a breakfast for the senior staff at church in the morning at nine. This was planned before we knew we would be having a singspiration. Sooooooo......."I" am trying not to stress too much now!!! *smile*
Pastor Martin will be undergoing a heart catharization at 2:30pm today. Please keep him in your prayers and I will keep you updated.
I would like to ask those of you who read my blog to please remember Pastor Martin in prayer. He was taken to the Fairfield Medical Center last night because he was experiencing chest pains and numbness in his hands. He had not been feeling well for the past several days either. They are going to do a heart cath on him at some point today. I will keep you posted. Sis. Martin and I will be going up as soon as we receive a call about the time of the procedure. This is a pic of Pastor Martin, Daniel and Erin on their wedding day.

Are you a nap person? AND an animal lover?

Well, first off, I AM a nap person, meaning I love to take naps, though I usually only take one on Sunday afternoons, which, in my humble opinion, is the best nap time of all!! AND when I take my Sunday afternoon siesta, I almost always sleep on my back, so as not to mess up my hair because I will be heading back to church when I wake up and this saves me a little time. And I also sleep on my back with a pillow tucked under my knees for my back's sake....*smile*. Anywayyyy...that is why I posted this pic of this cute little puppy sleeping on his back. Isn't he adorable???? (I don't look that adorable when I sleep on my me on this one...*feeble grin*.....well, okay, my mother might have thought so, but she's the only one.) My husband said this pic is a good example of how I look when I am "out", a.k.a. asleep. Dead to the world. He is amazed at how I can just crawl into bed, lay down and go to sleep. I mean, I'm out. He, on the other hand, is like an old hound dog trying to find a place to lay down. He pounds and punches his pillows. Kicks the covers out at the foot of the bed. Moves around getting all situated. Gets his head positioned just right on the pillow. Sometimes I just bust out laughing. I can't help it. He is just so rowdy and noisy when he is getting settled into bed. Soooooo, when I go to bed quite a bit before him, I always ask him to please be a little quiet when he comes to bed and he is, bless his sweet heart. Oh, and when he naps, it is always in his recliner, though I've told him recliner naps just aren't as good as crawling into the good ol' bed kind of naps, which is what I do on Sunday afternoons. None of this laying on top of the bedspread with a cover over me. Huh-uh. This is the only time I have the bed to myself and I savor it. *smile* Though when I go to bed at night, especially on a chilly night, I couldn't imagine not having Ed right there beside me. I've told him on more than on occasion that I just love sleeping with him. He is such a good cuddler. Okay, okay, I'll stop RIGHT there! *grin* (I may have already told you more than you wanted to hear, hm?) Happy Three Days Before Christmas!!!! God's Blessings to you!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Their 1-year anniversary!!

Daniel and Erin celebrated their 1-year anniversary Sunday, December 17! It is hard to believe they have been married for a year! How time flies. At our Christmas family get-together Saturday, my brother Johnny asked Daniel if he would do it again and Daniel said, "In a heartbeat!" without hesitation. They are so happy and enjoy life so much. We thank the Lord for our sweet daughter-in-law, Erin Maree. She is truly a like a daughter to us.....just what we prayed for! Congratulations, kids!!


Our son, Daniel, called us the other evening and said, "Mom, are you sitting down? We have something to tell you." Well, needless to say, I thought a grandbaby was on the way. Not so. They have ANOTHER dog. Albeit, he IS a cute dog. Their first mistake was going to Petland. They are such pushovers for animals. Well, I am, too, but I have learned over the years that you just can't give into every desire that comes eating the ENTIRE pizza from Pizza Crossing (my fave) because it tastes soooooo delicious because I'll suffer terribly later AND gain 2-3 pounds overnight. Anywayyyyy......the new granddoggy is a Weimaraner. Up there is his picture. His name is Dakota and we do love him! We met him and bonded with him a couple of days ago. *smile* How about those ears?? *grin* He is going to be a big one.....eventually!

And we also enjoyed some family time with our three granddaughter-doggies, Jasmine-a lab mix, Macie-a Jack Russell Terrier, and Heidi-a boxer. Aren't they adorable? I will say one thing for them. They are easy to buy for. LOL A bone. A chew toy. Doggie treats. It doesn't get much easier than that. And they aren't picky. So, I'll not complain. *smile*

Friday, December 15, 2006

Do You Believe?

When our son Daniel was about three years old, we began our annual tradition of taking him to downtown Lazarus in Columbus to see Santa. They had the best Santa Claus, in my humble opinion and their Santaland was absolutely a wonderland! This first year, as Daniel crawled up onto Santa's lap, my heart was so moved by the gentleness and kindness of this elderly man. He wasn't loud or boisterous but rather quiet and pleasant. I kept wiping away the tears and just didn't understand what was wrong with me. Ed was visibly moved, too. What was going on? I mean, he was just a department store Santa, after all. As Daniel climbed down off of Santa's lap, Santa smiled kindly at me and waved and again, a big lump formed in my throat. All that Daniel wanted that year was a sno-cone machine (thank you, Aunt Debbie! *smile*) and that is what he told Santa when asked what he wanted. Santa just couldn't believe that Daniel didn't want anything else, but that is how Daniel has always been. He gets his heart set on ONE thing that he wants and though he might receive other gifts, the ONE is enough. I'm thankful for the heart that the Lord has given him. I've never forgotten that particular trip to see Santa. I believe it was the kindness and gentleness that emanated from this man's heart that so moved me.

The other evening, I went to a Christmas party with my sister Debbie. As we were finishing eating, Santa arrived to wish us a Merry Christmas. Again, he was such a kind and gentle Santa, spreading goodwill to all. As he made his way about the tables, there was that lump forming in my throat once again and the tears smarting at the corners of my eyes. When he reached our table, he extended a gloved hand to shake and wished me a Merry Christmas and I realized that I "knew" this Santa. *smile* And I knew that he REALLY WAS a kind man.

I have said all of that to say that it is the spirit of Santa that really makes the difference and matters. It isn't whether he is pagan or "real" or whatever. So may the kind, gentle and good spirit of Santa envelop you this Christmas and Holiday Season. God Bless You One and All!!

(oh, and just between you and me......the Santa at my sister's Christmas party??? I used to date him! *smile* I told the girls at our table and we had a great laugh over it!!)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Tis the Season to be Jolly!!

Hello everyone! First of all, I would like to ask those of you who read my blog to let me know if it is difficult to read. Would you please leave a post, letting me know. I ask this because my nephew, Troy, says it is difficult to read....the black on the pink background. I don't have a problem reading it at all and I have trifocals. I'm eager too hear from you!

Several of the young people and two young married couples and I went to Easton in Columbus Saturday afternoon. I had never been there so I was quite excited about going as I have heard alot about it. I was a little concerned about how I would do getting around, though. It was a bit tedious but I managed and everyone was really helpful and patient with me. We ate at Hometown Buffet on Morse Road, because everywhere else was sooooooo crowded and the wait times were unbelievable...2 1/2 hours at the Cheesecake Factory. We had a great time eating and having fun at Hometown Buffet and then it was on to Easton. I have never seen so many stores in one complex in my whole entire life! Oh My Word! And this is a non-shopper talking here. I do not like to all. I only buy clothes because I look better with them on than off. *feeble grin* I love it when people GIVE me clothes. I buy an occasional piece of clothing to add to my wardrobe. That way I don't have to actually go shopping for a lengthy period of time. The one place I can shop and always find something to add to my wardrobe is Value City in Lancaster. I am thankful for it. *smile* Anywayyyy.....back to Easton. I have never been to any place like it! It was all decked out for the holidays! I took a horse and buggy ride with Stacy and Jeremy and Caleb, which was just awesome and just the right time of the year for doing so. After our ride, we walked on to the enclosed portion of Easton so Stacy could get a Cinnabon! She had to have a Cinnabon! While we were sitting there eating our Cinnabons.....she bought us each could I not eat it??.....while we were sitting there a huge roar went up amidst the crowd and we wondered what in the world had happened only to find out that Troy Smith had won the Heisman!!! Yeehaa!!! It was shown at a sports shop nearby on a bigscreen TV. So, after 4 hours at Easton, we finally headed back to the van and started home but not before going downtown and looking at the Christmas lights at the Statehouse and downtown Columbus. Nationwide Insurance on Broad Street has an awesome nativity display. If you are in downtown Columbus you need to go by and see it. Ed and I took Daniel to see it when he was about four years old and I was hoping that it would still be there. The youth loved it. Soooooo...then it was homeward bound for us! Stacy and Jeremy live in a huge subdivision in Lancaster and they directed us around it to see the different light displays. You should have heard us critiquing *sp* them. "You don't put big lights with small lights!" "You don't mix white lights with colored lights!" "All they did was throw some lights in a tree!" It was so funny!! And so much fun!! Oh, and on the way home we sang Christmas carols. We sounded really good.......on some of them.
One of the really neat things about the evening was the fact that in our group that went, we had such a wide range of ages. Firstly, I am 55. The youngest person was 15. And we had all ages in between: 35, 25, 22, 19, 16. You would never have known it! We all just got along so well and had a great evening! We had planned on arriving back at the church by 10pm at the latest, but did not get there until midnight. Yessssss.....I called parents and told them that we were running a tad late, but, not to worry, we would gladly bring their young people home! So it all worked out well.
I didnt' have any trouble getting up Sunday morning and we had a wonderful service, but after I got home and we had dinner, I hit the bed, let me tell you! I slept for almost 2 1/2 hours! It was great! *smile* Sunday afternoon sleep is the best sleep of the week! Can I get an "Amen"????? *smile* Then it was on to church that evening and we had such a wonderful service and the presence of the Lord was so sweet in our midst as we worshipped Him.
Today I have been kind of wiped out. That is the only way to describe how I feel, but Monday can be kind of a tough day for me. I know many of you will understand when I say that I just expend so much of myself on Sundays doing music, leading worship, teaching class, etc. I love doing it all, but sometimes it does drain me quite a bit. So Mondays tend to be my day of rest. *smile* Tomorrow night is our ladies Christmas party at church. I am fixing pickle wraps and fruit pizza to take. I am going to a Christmas party with my sister Debbie on Wednesday evening at 6pm with her suppport group. I will be going to church afterward. On Thursday, three of my NYC girlfriends....and I are having lunch at Annie's Cheesecake in Lancaster. THENNNNNN.....our family...the Peters' having their annual Christmas family get-together at church on Saturday at 4pm after the church Christmas program practice at 1pm. Does this all sound familiar to all of you out there? *grin* Oh, but it IS the most wonderful time of the year!!! *smile* Well, the Lord's best to each of you and may you be enjoying the festivities of the season with your friends and loved ones, as I am!! God Bless.....I'm going to bed!!! *smile* *yawwwwwn*

When I Say I Am A Christian

When I say I am a Christian...
I am not shouting that I am saved,
I am whispering that I was lost,
That's why I choose His way.
When I say I am a Christian...
I don't speak of this with pride,
I'm confessing that I stumble,
Needing God to be my Guide.
When I say I am a Christian...
I'm not trying to be strong,
I'm professing that I am weak
And pray for strength to carry on.
When I say I am a Christian...
I'm not bragging of success,
I'm admitting I have failed
And cannot even pay the debt.
When I say I am a Christian...
I don't think I know it all,
I submit to my confusion,
Asking humbly to be taught.
When I say I am a Christian...
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are too visible,
But God believes I'm worth it.
When I say I am a Christian...
I still feel the sting of pain,
I have shared my heartaches,
which is why I seek His name.
I know that I am loved.

Friday, December 08, 2006

A few random thoughts

I thought I had mentioned this, but in reading over some previous posts, I realized that I hadn't. As I was riding on our church's Christmas float in the annual Logan Christmas Parade, I was fighting tears the whole way. Those of us riding the float were waving and wishing those along the parade route "Merry Christmas". Of course, having lived here all of my life, I knew so many of the people. Everyone was so receptive and waved back and returned the holiday wishes. My heart was so touched. I had a lump in my throat the whole time and was discreetly wiping away tears, too. Come to find out, another lady riding the float and my pastor's wife, felt the same way. At the end of the parade, the three of us just kind of let down our guard and cried a bit. I just saw so many people who need the Lord; so many people who used to know the Lord and for whatever reason, no longer serve Him. I prayed along the way that the Lord would somehow reach out and touch those that we were seeing that day. You could just feel something palpable going on between us and the crowds. Several of the youth passed out candy. Sis. Martin and Sis. Cheryl carried our church banner out in front. They looked so cute dressed in red and green, Santa hats, and bells on their shoes. Oh, wait, I'll post a pic of them here for you to see. Pastor Martin rode in the truck with Bro. Brad. My husband and Bro. Jeremy rode in the back of the pickup truck and kept the young people's baskets filled with candy to pass out to the children. I pray that the Lord will continue to use our presence in the parade to touch people's hearts and bring them to Him.

I went to Walmart this afternoon to buy some yarn to finish up two afghans I am making for gifts. Again, my heart was just so touched by the people I saw and met and came in contact with. Again, I struggled to control the tears. My heart just ached for those that I saw. I thought of the scripture in Matthew that says: "But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd." Truly, people need the Lord.


Here is the picture of my Christmas Angel, at last! I've been sitting here fiddling with blogger for the past hour trying to get this picture to upload. *sighhhhhh*

Anywayyyy......isn't it pretty??? As I said in my previous post, I bought it at a local artisan mall. It only cost $16.oo! I only tell you the price because I was simply amazed that the cost was so low and now that I am no longer working, money for special little things like this is a bit limited. But when I saw this angel, I just knew it was exactly what I wanted. I don't know about you, but when I go in search of something like this, I talk to the Lord about it, asking Him to help me find just what I am looking for, especially when I'm not even sure what I am looking for. And sometimes it is so difficult for me to make decisions! *smile* Truly, He cares about every little detail of our lives. I'm reminded of the verse in an old hymn...."And He walks with me, And He talks with me......"

A bit of holiday humor for you!

Christmas Carols for the mentally challenged:

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Multiple Personality:
We Three Queens Disoriented Are

I Think I'll Be Home For Christmas.

Hark The Herald Angels Sing (About Me)

Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets
and Stores and Office and Town or Deck the Halls and
Spare No Expense!

Attention Deficit Disorder --- Silent night, Holy, oooh look at the froggy - can I have some hot chocolate? Why is France so far away?

Santa Claus is Coming To Get Me.

Personality Disorder:
You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout,
then MAYBE I'll tell you why.

Obsessive Compulsive:
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle
Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle
Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle
Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell,
Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell...

Borderline Personality:
Thoughts of Roasting in an Open Fire.

Passive Aggressive:
On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me
(and then took it all away).

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Two sisters and an angel

On the spur of the moment Saturday morning, I called my sister Debbie and asked her if she would like to go with me to visit our sister Bev, who lives in Lancaster. She said yes, so I picked her up and off we went! The reason I wanted to see them both was because I had bought them each a Christmas grapevine angel for their front doors. I bought myself one last week and it is so pretty, that I wanted to share with them! So, of course, Debbie comes out of the house with her portable oxygen, an extra tank of oxygen, her big purse.....anyway, she does not travel light these days. *grin* So we get to Bev's and just as I pull into the driveway, I remember that she had told me the previous day when we talked, that they had a meeting at church this particular morning. *sighhhhhh* Well, I decided to put the Christmas angel on her door anyway, to surprise her. There was still an autumn swag hanging there, so I took it down and put up the angel. Now getting up to her front door is not an easy assignment for me, because those two steps are STEEP! and there isn't a hand rail. Soooooo, I finally get myself up on the front step and hang the angel. I descend the porch and get back to the car whereupon my sister Debbie, who is sitting in the car with her oxygen on, proceeds to inform me that the angel is crooked. Hmmmph!! Sooooo, I crawl back up those steep steps and straighten the angel. (I am just an eensy weensy bit particular about stuff like that. Blame my mother, God rest her precious soul.) Sooooo, I get back to the car whereupon arriving Debbie proceeds to say, "You know, you really should do something with those pumpkins on the porch." Well, that did it. I told her if she wanted something done with those pumpkins, she could quit sitting there sucking oxygen and do it herself! And we both cracked up laughing! She said she wasn't doing anything with those pumpkins, they weren't her pumpkins and I told her that my goodwill toward my sisters had run out for the day. LOL Sooo, once we stopped laughing and making smart remarks to eachother, I got myself in the car and we headed for the grocery store, where we both got groceries and the headed home. Bev called that evening and thanked me for the angel and told me how much she loved it. How I love my two precious sisters. And that was the ending of a very good day.
I tried to post a picture of the Christmas angel here but couldn't. So I will try later! I want you to see how pretty they are!!

Bah Humbug!

To begin with, I do like Christmas caroles, okay? BUTTTTTTTTT......I don't want to hear them 24/7 for a month and a half!!! Sheesh!! I will even go so far as to say I wouldn't mind listening to one, say one every three songs on the radio, but all of my favorite radio stations are playing Christmas music ALL of the time! Grrrrrrr! Soooooo, I just don't listen to them at all. I play my cd's, tapes, or listen to talk radio or drive along in blissful silence, just me and Jesus. I do have a wonderful Montivani Cd that I love and also Kenny G. I prefer instrumental Christmas music. Oh, and they started playing Christmas music.....on the radio....BEFORE Thanksgiving!! Hellooooooo!! *sighhhhh* Okay, I'm done. I feel better. (i'll be glad to get my radio back in January)

Monday, December 04, 2006

The kitty of the house

Here she is. The kitty of the house. Miss Ellie. Whenever we get home from the grocery store, we always put a sack of the floor for her. She crawls into it and Ed usually takes her for a ride in it and swings her back and forth. It is just the routine here at the Cavinee house. :-) Would you say she is spoiled???

Friday, December 01, 2006

Only in Ohio!

Well, whatever kind of weather you like, we had it today! The day started out at a balmy 63 degrees and overcast. Then came the rain. Buckets of it. A couple of hours later, the sun shone through for a very short while. Next came the wind. Whooooooooosh!! A couple of hours later, and little ice pellets and snow flurries began to fall from the sky. Plus the temperature had dropped into the 30's! And the wind continued to come and blow and whoosh! Boy, did it whoosh!! There are power outages all over the area, though, thankfully, we have not been without power.....this time......yet. And now it looks like Old Man Winter is here for at least the next 7-10 days, maybe longer. I mean, it is winter, hm??? Stay warm and dry, wherever you are!! God Bless!! Oh, and here is a picture that looks rather cozy, don't you think?? *smile* It is my "almost" completely decorated Christmas tree. My Christmas tree is always a work in progress, at first. You know the drill: Assemble tree (if it is artificial, which, in this case, it is); wait a day or two; put lights on tree; pause; put tree skirt around the bottom of the tree; a day or two passes; get out the rest of the storage bins; put a big bow on the top of the tree; a few more hours pass; drape garland around the tree; put a few bows on the tree.........and that is where I am at, at the present time. I just have to finish putting the ornaments on and it will be complete, but, hey, it doesn't look bad for an unfinished tree, hm??? *grin*